GDOT is hiring a historian! As most of you know, this was my first job out of grad school with my MHP, as my career switch officially kicked off. I absolutely loved this job -- there's a reason I still do 99.9% GDOT work as a consultant. The historic preservation community in Georgia, and specifically the community around GDOT, is unmatched. A direct hire position at GDOT is literally the best opportunity a new MHP grad could ask for. I don't think I could have learned so much, from so many smart people, in so little time any other way.
These jobs don't come up often, because people like working at GDOT and tend to stay!! So, if you're in the market... apply! And ask me any questions!
(A note on timing: it was about this time of year ten years ago that I was applying to the job at GDOT... and I started working there in September. In that time, I had a baby and 7 weeks of "maternity leave" [in snark quotes because the U.S. doesn't actually have maternity leave - so I had 7 weeks of not working at my part-time job and not getting paid] and they never even knew I was pregnant. 🙃 So, just know that it's a long process getting hired by state government, and don't get discouraged!)