Everyday at Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation (MPRC), I learn something new… including that today is Interns Day! #itsnevertoolate 😆
In light of today being the day dedicated to interns – and an internship update is long due – I’m gonna write some words.
I’m at my 8th week interning in Corporate Strategy & Research department at MPRC, whereby my task scope primarily revolves around sustainability, and I am very lucky to be supervised by Asmah MN. She has been incredibly patient with me and is the living, walking, talking definition of Girlboss.
1. Why is a PR major in a sustainability line?
A course at college, specifically Environmental Technology taught by Dr. Jenny Ong, sparked my interest in sustainability. As a PR student, I first wondered why this was in my syllabus and how it would benefit me (Fast forward months later, it secured me an internship!).
Throughout my course and my time at MPRC, I understand that sustainability is no longer something you can think about later. It's at our doorstep, and the choice is clear: embrace it or be left behind. Every individual and organization must now address sustainability, if they are to play the long game. The surging demand for corporate sustainability disclosures from governments and financial institutions are game-changers.
In my internship interview with Asmah, I expressed my desire to explore a path where sustainability and communication intersect, and I'm grateful that this aspiration materialized – I am excited to be part of this historical development.
2. How do I find my job?
My situation feels akin to wildcat drilling (yes, it’s a new term I learned). I find the terms daunting to master. I came across this term in an article, which mentioned something like “...oil & gas wildcats…”. The way I sat there, confused. Hey, what’s next, O&G cougars and cowboys? 😝
Anyway, I learned that wildcat drilling means “exploratory drilling in areas that have no history of oil or gas production.” How very apt, both the word and the reader 🤣. I’m exploring this path I have little background with, drilling and striving to score.
As such, I’m grateful to be in a place with helpful colleagues. I notice that I learn more by being in meetings and listening to my cool colleagues’ explanations.
Beautiful how humans just never stop learning.
More updates soon!
Certified SAP Sr. Package Consultant PS | PPM @IBM | YPP Alumnus
5moI’m am so proud of you 👏🏼🎉🎉