💥Gate system 💥 💚💚Both plastic parts are gate using direct gates. The mold uses a three-plate mold. Each plastic part corresponds to a gate, and the material is fed directly on the plastic part to be molded, as shown in the figure below. 💚💚 In order to facilitate personnel to trim the gate condensate, the gate position is set to a concave position, so that the gate condensate is lower than the surrounding horizontal plane after trimming, which does not affect the assembly of other parts, and can also avoid flow marks on the surface of the plastic part and other undesirable injection phenomena. 🚀 🚀 #plastic #plastic #mold #mold #mould #tool #tooling #gate #gate #injection #injectionmolding #system #system
New Product Design & Development(plastic product) | " Advance Surface modeling |3d modelling | Parametric Design|New Product design & develop|Mould flow analyse|
6moQuite liked the strategy put to try and arrange the gate condensate to prevent flow marks and nasty injection occurrences. Anna ChanAnna Chan, your knowledge on tooling making and injection molding is nothing short of spectacular!