Biodiversity is of crucial importance in its own right but also plays an important role in production processes and hence for investors. Everything we consume is dependent on nature. 🌱 Investors can play a role by making efforts to eliminate/ reduce their negative biodiversity impact. But also by making investments with a positive impact. Just begin, do not wait, the matter is too important to wait for 100% perfect numbers. Even though measurement of biodiversity footprint and impact is still in development, big steps are taken, see for instance the recent publication from ASN Bank “Make Nature Count 2.0” and the newly updated 'Guide on Biodiversity Measurement Approaches' from Finance for Biodiversity Foundation. Read more about this in my column in the Investment Officer NL. Make Nature Count 2.0: Guide on Biodiversity Measurement Approaches:
Thanks Anne Gram. totally agree with you about the importance of biodiversity. Unfortunately as biodiversity value or credits are not universally, accepted by institutional investors. It will remain quite a challenge to mobilize more money going into the space. That is not the case with climate tech, which are basically unicorn chasers, and not climate investment funds. What is the most? Don't realize that biodiversity is the cheapest fastest most effective longest track record manner in drawing down carbon. Nothing comes close.
What fantastic work that you're doing on such an important matter! Congratulations!
Michiel Kortstee interessant voor #GonzendRivierenland
Bob Klein Lankhorst
Impact | SDGs | Sustainable Governance | Kracht van Lokaal | CSRD | Regeneration | Commissaris | Maatschappelijke Raad
12moMooie, relevante column! Een quote die hierop aansluit, en mij aan het denken zette, kwam van Ralph Thurm die wijst op de shift van 'a business case for sustainability' naar een 'sustainability case for business'. Door de natuur (uitsluitend) te zien door de lens van economische meerwaarde/kansen/risico's, ligt het gevaar op de loer om het impactperspectief van bedrijven, waarin zij kunnen bijdragen aan regeneratie, oftewel natuurherstel, over het hoofd te zien. Ik ben benieuwd hoe jij hier tegenaan kijkt.