Faced with stringent effluent limitation guidelines, the Taean Thermal Power Station in South Korea needed a reliable solution for managing its flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater. Our advanced wastewater treatment system provided the answer. Our innovative solutions convert challenging FGD wastewater into high-purity water for reuse and mixed salts, achieving zero liquid discharge (ZLD) and optimizing operational and capital expenditures. As one of the world’s largest coal-fired power plants with a generating capacity of 6.1 GW, this facility supplies electricity to the South Korean capital and surrounding regions. Read the full case study: https://hubs.ly/Q02ZbBH40
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Faced with stringent effluent limitation guidelines, the Taean Thermal Power Station in South Korea needed a reliable solution for managing its flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater. Our advanced wastewater treatment system provided the answer. Our innovative solutions convert challenging FGD wastewater into high-purity water for reuse and mixed salts, achieving zero liquid discharge (ZLD) and optimizing operational and capital expenditures. As one of the world’s largest coal-fired power plants with a generating capacity of 6.1 GW, this facility supplies electricity to the South Korean capital and surrounding regions. Read the full case study: https://hubs.ly/Q02Kh3KW0
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What does the future of your boiler operations look like? Next week Timo Aspelin will tackle this hot topic at the 26th Technical Forum, focused on the energy transition in the Philippines for coal plant users. 🎤 Topic: Possibilities to reduce CO2 emissions in coal fired boilers ✔️ Characteristics of fuels to be considered in boiler design, modifications, and upgrades ✔️ Proven method for upgrading CFB units to facilitate easy CO2 capture ✔️ Milestones and schedule for the development of a boiler modification project ✔️ SFW’s 50 years of experiencing in introducing and expanding fuel options to existing boilers #SumitomoSHIFW #CFB #TechnologyModernization #EnergyTransition #Decarbonization
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The case study Heartland Water Technology’s LM-HT Concentrator Provides ZLD Treatment of FGD Purge Water Using Flue gas as Thermal Energy Source details a demonstration project by Heartland, in partnership with The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The project evaluated the Heartland LM-HT® Concentrator's capability to treat Flue Gas Desulfurization (#FGD) purge water to Zero Liquid Discharge (#ZLD) using flue gas as the thermal energy source. Over the course of 14 days 10,000 gallons of wastewater were treated with a net volume reduction of 90-95%. https://lnkd.in/e8Kgz9SF #power #powerplants #purgewater #industrialwastewater #zeroliquiddischarge #fluegasdesulfurization #wastewaterevaporation #onsite #solutions
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The new EPA rules for Effluent Limits from Steam Electric Power plants are going to be hard to satisfy short of a zero liquid discharge solution. Heartland's Concentrator is a proven solution for FGD ZLD (as well as power plant leachate ZLD) and will be a go-to solution for the power industry.
The case study Heartland Water Technology’s LM-HT Concentrator Provides ZLD Treatment of FGD Purge Water Using Flue gas as Thermal Energy Source details a demonstration project by Heartland, in partnership with The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The project evaluated the Heartland LM-HT® Concentrator's capability to treat Flue Gas Desulfurization (#FGD) purge water to Zero Liquid Discharge (#ZLD) using flue gas as the thermal energy source. Over the course of 14 days 10,000 gallons of wastewater were treated with a net volume reduction of 90-95%. https://lnkd.in/e8Kgz9SF #power #powerplants #purgewater #industrialwastewater #zeroliquiddischarge #fluegasdesulfurization #wastewaterevaporation #onsite #solutions
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Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant is goingto issue 3 thermal coal bidding packages: NH2025-VT01, NH2025-VT02 : in Nov 2024 NH2025-VT03: in May 2025 Total estimated cost: 5.262 billion VND
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The March 2024 quarter saw us execute a Water Supply Key Terms Agreement (KTA) for the WAH2 Project and further advance confidential commercial discussions with key input providers, potential offtakers and strategic partners for the project. The KTA supports the removal of a dedicated desalination plant and associated pipelines from the Base Case. Water supply without a desalination plant would reduce costs, the project’s power and fuel gas requirements and simplify the scope of environmental and regulatory approvals. Technical and regulatory work remains on-track to support WAH2 FEED-entry in mid-2024 as planned. We are in strategic discussions with a single counterparty to secure funding for the company’s near-term capital requirements including completion of WAH2 Pre-FEED. More 👉 https://lnkd.in/gQBPJC2Q
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PRODUCT AND SUPPLIER HIGHLIGHT: ROYAL DAHLMAN- SUPPLYING THE 2nd FULL FLOW FILTER for FCC flue gas! FCC FLUE GAS CATALYST FINES EMISSIONS << 10 mg/Nm3, guaranteed! OPERTATIONAL 10 YEARS... In August 2014, the world's first commercial full flow FCC flue gas filter successfully started. This system, designed and build by Royal DAHLMAN, outperforms the ESP that it replaced: real-time emission (continuous monitoring): ~ 5 - 7 mg/Nm3! The technology and its performances have been reported by DAHLMAN to the European Commission and to all major process licensors. It is a fact, no other technology can achieve this low emission level, as such many opportunities to implement this best available technology wherever possible to reduce carcinogenic particulates fines emission to atmosphere. The installed costs for the filter system were significantly lower than any other flue gas cleaning technology. Still today the unit is up and running flawless in continuous mode. This is how we contribute to the industry by providing the technology for the protection of the environment. Call 888-255-4526 or write FILTROGLOBAL LLC filtroglobal@gmail.com for details in North America #IPPC #BREF #EPA #EC #environment #fccfluegas hashtag #refinerytechnology hashtag #BAT
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Ministry of Coal has announced the detailed qualification criteria for bidders participating in the coal gasification projects under Category-III of the Request for Proposals (RFP). These criteria aim to ensure the successful development and operation of coal/lignite gasification projects, fostering cleaner and more efficient utilization of coal resources
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Ministry of Coal has announced the detailed qualification criteria for bidders participating in the coal gasification projects under Category-III of the Request for Proposals (RFP). These criteria aim to ensure the successful development and operation of coal/lignite gasification projects, fostering cleaner and more efficient utilization of coal resources
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#CoalGasification (15.05.2024) Notice inviting bids seeking #FinancialSupport for setting up #GasificationProjects The Ministry of Coal invites applications from the private sector as well as government PSUs for “setting up Coal/Lignite #Gasification Project”. The RFPs have been uploaded on the website of Ministry of Coal and on the website of MSTC. Interested Private Sector entities as well as Government PSUs may access the RFPs using the following links: Ministry of Coal: https://coal.nic.in/ #MSTC: https://lnkd.in/gVTwuaRZ Applicants are requested to submit their proposals on the MSTC website, in accordance with the RFP guidelines, on or before the Bid Due Date and time. Tentative #Timeline of Bidding Process Pre-Bid Conference-Monday, 27.05.2024 Bid Due Date-Thursday, 12.09.2024 The #Scheme towards financial support/incentive/grant (the “#FinancialIncentive”) for promotion of Coal/Lignite Gasification Projects of Government PSUs and Private Sector is classified under 3 (three) categories i.e., a) #Category I: Rs. 4050 crores provisioned for Government PSUs or JV of PSUs b) #Category II: Rs. 3850 crores provisioned for the Private Sector as well as Government (c) c) #Category III: Rs. 600 crores provisioned for Demonstration Projects (indigenous technology) and/or small-scale product-based Gasification REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (#RFP)-Seeking Financial Support for Setting up Coal/Lignite Gasification Projects for Private Sector and Government PSUS is attached.
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General Manager (Central Projects, GCA), Subject Matter Expert - Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) | Grasim Industries Limited (Chemical Division) | Core Expert Member, Water Centre of Excellence (WCoE), ABG
3wWhereever the water cost is very high and stringent environmental norms in place, the ZLD approach is the only solution to make the industry environmentally sustainable and economically viable. Recycling of resources from ZLD System, furthur reduces the environmental foot print. Eventually ZLD is a "Climate Independent approach"