Arctic Reflections’ Post

How do we plan to restore Arctic ice? Watch our process in action! This simple but powerful technique could help save the Arctic. Our process may seem straightforward, but implementing these steps in the challenging Arctic environment is far from simple. #ClimateSolutions #ArcticReflections #Sustainability #SaveTheArctic ————— We’re fighting global warming at -30°C, restoring Arctic ice by thickening it in winter, helping to stabilize global temperatures and reduce feedback loops.

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We're incredibly happy to help share about the important work that your team is doing. It may look 'straightforward', but we're fully aware of the hard work and effort that is required from you. Thank you for doing that!

Nima Noroozian

Account Executive Business innovative


Magnificent idea. Good luck 🤞

Michiel De Gooijer

Founder BrightVibes Group | TEDx Speaker | 🔷 | Scout Het Idealenfonds | Member The Present 100


Tom Meijeraan, Fonger Ypma, and team, keep up the great work you are doing!

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