Alan Bamberger’s Post

NFTs are primarily associated with digital art created by digital artists. Until NFTs came along there was no formal structure or marketplace for selling digital art. Now there is. Art created with conventional materials like paintings or watercolors physically exists, as do markets for selling it. Physical works can also be scanned or photographed, as they have been for decades, and printed and sold as editions. What would selling digital files of those photographs or scans as NFTs add to that?

I have mixed emotions about NFT, and I have to question my negative aspects, as to why? My first answer was, that I am uneducated about the medium and what it takes to create NFT. Often, one “ does not know. what one does not know.” I will put myself there. I have to ask. where I get off, as an artist, to negatively judge something about which I have so little knowledge?

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