Watched the series ‘The Railways Men’ on Netflix. The series is inspired by the true events of the Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster 1984. A highly toxic gas, MIC (Methyl Isocyanate), was accidently released in open air. The fictional story highlights the following shortcomings: 1. Lack of disaster preparedness - The factory workers, DM, Railways, Police, etc., were not prepared for a disaster of this scale. There were no proper drills or training sessions conducted to handle such emergencies. Suggestion: Regular disaster preparedness drills and training sessions should be mandatory for all employees and emergency responders. 2. Lack of accountability of business - The business had no fear of law or moral responsibility towards the people affected around. There was a significant gap in enforcing corporate responsibility and ethical practices. Suggestion: Stricter laws and regulations should be enforced to ensure businesses are held accountable for their actions and the safety of the surrounding communities. 3. Communication failure in Railways - Repair of communication lines wasn’t prioritized to safeguard people’s lives. This led to a delay in coordinating rescue operations and providing timely information to the public. Suggestion: Establish a robust communication infrastructure with regular maintenance checks to ensure it remains functional during emergencies. 4. Failure to evacuate people from disaster-prone areas - The government’s inaction and delay in evacuating people. The action was reactive and delayed. It wasn’t proactive. This resulted in a higher number of casualties and prolonged exposure to the toxic gas. Suggestion: Develop and implement a proactive evacuation plan that can be quickly activated in case of emergencies, with clear roles and responsibilities for all involved parties. 5. Safety lapses at hazardous factory - Safety wasn’t the first priority; profit motive was the priority. The factory lacked essential safety measures and protocols to prevent such disasters. Suggestion: Prioritize safety over profits by implementing stringent safety protocols and regular inspections to ensure compliance. 6. Lack of awareness amongst people - People knew that gas stored in Union Carbide was hazardous. Yet they didn’t educate themselves with precautions required in case of a disaster. This lack of awareness contributed to the panic and chaos during the disaster. Suggestion: Conduct regular awareness programs and distribute educational materials to inform the public about potential hazards and safety measures. 7. Hazardous factory constructed in a populated area - Authorities allowed the operation of a hazardous factory in a populated area. This could have been avoided. The proximity of the factory to residential areas increased the risk and impact of the disaster. Suggestion: Implement strict zoning laws to ensure hazardous industries are located away from populated areas to minimize risk.