At The New Drive we are currently working on an important project for the energy and e-mobility transition. For the Flemish government, we are developing long term policy/strategy options for zero emission (heavy duty) logistics/freight in Flanders, together with the team of Roel Gevaers of Universiteit Antwerpen and Arcadis. Some research topics and questions: 👉 How fast do we (and international studies) expect battery electric transport to grow? 👉 How is the business case and TCO developing, the supply of vehicles and charging infra, with regards to different logistical segments with their own respective product/market combinations? 👉 What are the opportunities and options of alternative zero emission fuels for heavy duty freight (hydrogen, ...)? 👉 As one of the key logistic hubs in Europe, how can Flanders realise its ambition to become one of the European zero emission logistics frontrunners? 👉 Where will the cargo charging hubs of the future be located, and what is the impact on the distribution grid? 👉 What are the implications for and required efforts from the government and market? The results will be co developed with public and private stakeholders and subject matter experts. They'll be a starting point for the new Flemish government and minister. If you want to know more of this project, please contact Mark van Kerkhof
🚛 The New Drive ondersteunt Vlaanderen bij lange termijn strategie zero emissie vrachtvervoer 🚛 In opdracht van de Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken gaat The New Drive samen met de University of Antwerp en Arcadis aan de slag om de lange termijn strategie van zero emissie vrachtvervoer in beeld te brengen. Hierbij worden internationale ontwikkelingen vertaald naar de Vlaamse context en worden deze omgezet in verschillende toekomstscenario’s. Vervolgens vindt een vertaling plaats naar zogenaamde prognosekaarten waarin de laadbehoefte van zero emissie vrachtverkeer in kaart wordt gebracht. Wil je hier meer over weten? Contacteer dan zeker onze collega Mark van Kerkhof