Our team had an incredibly rewarding day volunteering recently with The Kai Ika Project at one of their community distribution days. Together, we helped distribute fish frames to local families, ensuring that these nutritious and valuable resources were shared with individuals and families who are most in need. By repurposing valuable kai and reducing waste we're also helping to lower CO2 emissions. 🐟🌍 It was inspiring to see the positive impact of the project firsthand and to contribute to their mission of sustainability and community support. We’re proud to play a small part in this meaningful cause and look forward to continuing our involvement in the future. Watch the video to see our team in action and listen to a testimonial from an individual who benefitted from the Kai Ika Project and how this initiative has made a difference in their life. #AucklandCityToyota #KaiIkaProject #LegaSea #Sustainability #Community
Nice work team! 🐟
Territory manager, equipment division
2dWhat a great idea, well done, looks like it was well received