Audit Wales’ Post

We’ve published our report looking at the Financial sustainability of local government Our report found significant risks to the sustainability of local government finances which are likely to increase over the medium term without action to alleviate them. Given the scale of the funding pressures facing local government, many councils require a transformative shift in approach to move beyond setting an annually balanced budget to achieving value for money and financial sustainability over the medium-term. This follows a period of unprecedented financial pressures for the public sector since 2008. Our Focus Over the spring and summer of 2024, we looked at the financial sustainability of each of the 22 councils in Wales. • the strategies to support councils’ long-term financial sustainability; • Councils’ understanding of their financial position; and • Council’s reporting arrangements to support regular oversight of their financial sustainability Visit our website to read the full report: Yn ddiweddar rydym wedi cyhoeddi ein hadroddiad sy’n bwrw golwg ar Gynaliadwyedd ariannol llywodraeth leol Canfu ein hadroddiad risgiau sylweddol i gynaliadwyedd sefyllfa ariannol llywodraeth leol sy’n debygol o gynyddu dros y tymor canolig heb gamau gweithredu i’w lliniaru. O ystyried maint y pwysau o ran cyllid sy’n wynebu llywodraeth leol, mae ar lawer o gynghorau angen trawsnewid eu dull i symud y tu hwnt i bennu cyllideb fantoledig yn flynyddol i gyflawni gwerth am arian a chynaliadwyedd ariannol dros y tymor canolig. Mae hyn yn dilyn cyfnod o bwysau ariannol digynsail ar gyfer y sector cyhoeddus ers 2008. Ein Ffocws Dros wanwyn a haf 2024, fe wnaethom fwrw golwg ar gynaliadwyedd ariannol pob un o’r 22 o gynghorau yng Nghymru. • y strategaethau i ategu cynaliadwyedd ariannol hirdymor cynghorau; • dealltwriaeth cynghorau am eu sefyllfa ariannol; a hefyd • trefniadau adrodd cynghorau i ategu goruchwyliaeth reolaidd ar eu cynaliadwyedd ariannol Ymwelwch â’n gwefan i ddarllen yr adroddiad llawn: # FinancialSustainability #LocalGovernmentFinances # CynaliadwyeddAriannol #SefyllfaAriannolLlywodraethLeol

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Paul Matthews

Chief Executive at Monmouthshire County Council, Visiting Professor at Cardiff University, Governor at Cardiff Metropolitan University


This report cuts through so much mist. Things need to change if we want good, consistent public services

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