Whether you’re selecting artwork for a new building or a renovation, something will inevitably fill those walls. Why not choose art that not only enhances the space but also benefits the environment and positively impacts the people around it? Check out this post 👇on THE TOP 5 REASONS YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS A MOSS WALL! Don’t forget what you buy in Q4 gets an additional 8% off🌿💚
Let’s face it, the world’s got enough boring beige walls to put a sloth to sleep. But your space? Oh no, it deserves better. Imagine walking into a room that feels like Mother Nature high-fived modern design 🙌🏼 Here are our Top 5 reasons why you need a moss wall in your life! 👇 #greenwalls #mosswalls #biophilia #biophilicdesign #architecture #leed Jay TyeMary Cowger
Founder & CEO @ Austin Moss Creations | A Biophilic Design Company
2moThanks JOHN LEE for the support! 🌿💚🥰