Grateful, grounded, and growing—this is a Thanksgiving to remember, sober and strong! Thank you Kelley Eason for bravely sharing your story and your heart with us ❤️.
Director of Business Development at Freedom Recovery Centers | BSBA major in Marketing | Certified Peer Recovery Specialist | Virginia Association of Addiction Professional Member
9 years ago was my first sober Thanksgiving. I was not with my parents (I’m from NH), nor any family… but I was with my new recovery family here in Virginia.. learning how better holidays could actually be if I stayed committed to this new way of living free from drugs/alcohol. Fast forward to 2024 and we are hosting our 6th Thanksgiving! Where my parents now come to our home (and have since moved to VA!) and I get to give back all the years I wasn’t present. I have a WHOLE life filled with a career I love, a wonderful husband who’s also in recovery, raising 3 kids as a blended family, and we even have been blessed with a new grandbaby! It takes a lot of work and daily reprieve, but through God’s grace I am still going strong. Also… I must add.. I am determined to make the best Turkey this year… too bad my husband is a vegetarian 🤦🏼♀️😂🙄 I realize although the holidays can bring joy, they can also come with challenges— and is an extremely triggering time of year. There’s never a “good” time to get clean/sober. Please… if you or a loved one is struggling … I will be available throughout this holiday season…. reach out any time 7574099514 📸: my 6 year old (going on 14) and I, she is the biggest gift I’ve been given in recovery. The light of my life. Recovery did this. Forever indebted. I gave up a year of my life for the freedom I’ve been given. #wedorecover #avenues #whatsyouravenue
So happy for you!
Adam's Parachute: Addiction, Recovery and Fly Fishing
3moCongratulations! You are a warrior who makes everyone around you proud and grateful. God Bless you and yours!