Among the many insights picked out of Signet Jewelers annual report, its comment about lab-grown diamonds, hidden in its risk disclosures, stood out. “Lab-created diamonds are a meaningful portion of sales and inventory for Signet and the jewelry industry, and declining costs and retail prices could impact operating results and disappoint consumers. As retail prices of lab-created diamonds decline, consumers who purchased lab-created diamonds at higher prices may become disappointed in the relative value of their purchase which could negatively impact the reputation of Signet and the jewelry industry.” That, along with other commentary the company gave, marks a change in its attitude toward synthetics. Signet cannot afford for lab grown to take greater market share of the bridal market where the company's dominance is absolute. It is now emphasizing lab-grown for fashion jewelry and stressing the unique value that natural diamonds offer for engagement rings / bridal. The strategy mirrors the general trend across the industry. After synthetics enjoyed a boom in bridal, jewelers are realizing they cannot sustain their businesses with a continuation of that trend. But is it a case of too little too late? and a recognition of a short-sighted strategy that led to this position? See my full analysis below 👇
I think it is important to note on that the latest earnings call Signet answered a question regarding Lab in bridal with “we are very intent on following the customer and being customer-inspired with our inventory…we offer it, and it's been a good opportunity for some more value-oriented customers to get more for their limited budget.” 🤔
And noone saw that coming..... !!! Shortsightess or greed! I would say the latter.
Great article.
An incredible article that highlights what happens when one narrative works, and then wanting to change back when conditions become less favourable. Great article
Do you think this strategy shift will be enough to maintain Signet's dominance in the bridal market?
Excellent insight Avi !!!
Well no diamond company gives lifetime upgrade guarantee for lab grown. Guess why
Precious Jewellery is a unique combination of beauty and rarity. The monetary value is directly linked to these two dimensions. Something an industrial product like a synthetic stone will never be able to fulfill. Jewellers have to be aware, that a synthetic substitute, will always decrease their turnover and thus their revenue base in the classic domains of the business. This doesn’t mean, that synthetic stones don’t have a place in the market. They are the perfect material to create fashionable and fancy products which are not intended to keep or increase their value over time. But just like fantastic and sought after pieces of fashion jewellery of famous designers, they can over time win with their imaginative and daring design.
Avi Krawitz very well written about the Real Scenerio which even Best of the Best Economist or analyst couldn't predict from US but 100s of Dozens in Markets else where in the World could easily predict.
Rare, Unique Diamond Cuts & Designs -- GemConcepts Consultations. Design Director - Diamonds
10moI wouldn't disregard an answer by Signet Jewelers CEO Gina Drosos who gave to a National Jeweler Q&A on the question just a couple of weeks ago. NJ: ".....As a retailer that offers both options to customers, do you feel like lab-grown diamonds are the threat to natural diamonds that some in the industry would make them out to be? Or do you feel there’s room for everybody?" GD: "We began to carry lab-grown diamonds because customers were asking for them and they were interested in it. I think, in fairness, it’s one of the biggest innovations in our category in a long time in many years. In that context, it’s great because innovation drives more innovation. And that’s what makes jewelry an exciting category to be in."