So many people assume that #AAM and #eVOLs are dreams in some distant future. They are then shocked to find out that customers are in fact buying and flying them now. Yet, without #insurance, none of these aircraft can get off the ground. This was the core to the spectrum of discussion at the 2024 Aviation Insurance Association conference with my esteemed panelists :
DEAN OWEN as a personal eVTOL owner and pilot, discussed what it is like to seek out insurance for him and his aircraft.
Alistair Blundy shared what makes insuring AAM aircraft different and the unique risks that are involved with #eVTOLs
Vivek Chugh described the strategic decision to design and instrument Pivotal aircraft to gather insurance-relevant, AeroTelematics data, in order to make it easier for customers to become insured
Joshua Olds described how important data is to developing and measuring safety in this emerging space, and the new #workforce #training opportunities being generated.
It was a great conversation and fantastic questions from the audience.
Aeris Insurance Solutions, Vertical Flight Society, Volatus Infrastructure & Energy Solutions, USI, Skyrisks, Pivotal, HYSKY Society™, UrbanV, Newfront
Robert Oldroyd, Greg Lary, Heidi Groshelle, Myles Weissleder, Ken Karklin, Andrew Mearns, Vivek Chugh, Supriyo SB Chatterjee, Nicolas Zart, John Veilleux, Donny Malinoff, Jim Anderson, Tim Bonnell Jr, Jerry Clemens, Chris Proudlove, Laura O'Donnell
#AAM use cases becoming a reality. It was a privilege to moderate such and amazing "Insuring Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft" panel at this year's Aviation Insurance Association conference in #NewOrleans.
#insurance #aviationinsurance #mobility #telematics #aam #uam #evtol
Aeris Insurance Solutions, Pivotal, Skyrisks, USI, Clemens Insurance Agency, FlightLine Technologies, Starr Insurance, DEAN OWEN, Joshua Olds, Vivek Chugh, Alistair Blundy, Tim Bonnell Jr, Jerry Clemens
1wI have been trying for a job in your company for the last many years but I have realized that those who should be the protectors of the company as the manager of the company are not able to keep their personal ego away from their responsibility. I request you that if you cannot accept the reality then you should not even ask the truth. First, I am given an off role job by lying, then we are made to spend from our own pocket for liaisoning in the work area. Even after that if the support is given only to a particular woman accompanying them, then can anyone survive in that system? After that I also tried with another channel IMF, there was a huge lack of communication and there is only one reason for this, even 7 years ago I was not taken in your direct channel saying that I am too old, whereas the reality is that 2 years ago a person older than me was taken in the direct channel who had no experience in insurance. Just recently I was rejected in the name of re-hiring checking. I am writing to you only because Max Insurance Company is a brand and if there are people in its system who do not hesitate to reject people just for the sake of self-satisfaction, then you must try to understand the facts and resolve the issue.