Great news!
After the success of the first edition, author Branislav Vujovic has released an expanded edition of his book in English!
For those who don't read Serbian, you can now find this incredible book available on Amazon.
Discover more about the book on the official website.
So special that the English version of my book is appreciated so much in Asia 🤗.
First edition is sold out, second edition can be preordered here:
🌱I coach teens to start their businesses, create freedom, and change the world through self-paced, live courses & monthly membership community | Unschooling Mum | Author | Youth Advocate | ADHDer |
I commented on Alex’s post this morning to say I cried watching this as it describes me perfectly.
Everything is an extra challenge with ADHD, EVERYTHING, even though ADHD also gifts us so many beautiful abilities like our insane appetite for new things, our creativity, our infinite bank of ideas, our problem solving abilities, and so much more…
There should be a charity for ADHD entrepreneurs, seriously I’d love to be part of it because ADHDers are perfectly suited to entrepreneurship as we are largely unemployable but can ve hugely succesful in business.
However, we need support and practical help to get over the obstacles that for neurotypical people are a walk in the park
Those obstacles can hold us back, sabotage us, and even destroy our businesses.
I lost my first very succesful business because of my dyscalculia that I didn’t know I had as I didn’t know I had ADHD. I just thought I was stupid with money and numbers and I didn’t understand finance. Contracts confuse me, so I’d just sign without understanding. For decades I’ve been paying off debts I created in my early twenties. I lost my inheritance because of my ADHD (impulsiveness, unable to make decisions) so this is serious stuff but we talk too mivh about the lighter side, the forgetfulness and object permanence leading to food going off in the fridge etc etc
Let’s talk about the serious part of it too.
ADHD Chatter Podcast host | Founder of LADBible & UNILAD | Author of Now It All Makes Sense (Sunday Times Bestseller)
Huge announcement!! 🥳🥳🥳
I recorded the audio version of my book, ‘Now It All Makes Sense’
It was very emotional reading my own book. I wish I could read it to the younger version of me.
You can pre-order the book here:
My new book explains why the foundation of this world is information, not matter. Also discusses the possible origin of #synchronicity (unreasonable coincidences) - term by Carl Jung & Wolfgang Pauli. The first version - in Russian. Available as Ebook around the glob (but not on Amazon yet). Will be available in English in 2-3 weeks. 530 pages. Then, it will be in hard cover and Spanish. Find Russian version in
So true. Open any publisher’s link, and you'll find an Amazon link. Open any author’s social media, and there it is again - Amazon’s link.
Why is that?
It’s all about chasing the #bestseller label, Best seller ka chakkar...Babu Bhaiya .. Best seller ka chakkar..
As the Indian book industry, we need to come together and actively promote Indian bookstores and startups. It’s easy to question the spirit of entrepreneurship and give lectures on supporting Indian startups, but the real problem lies within - our own people don’t offer enough support.
If we truly want to uplift Indian businesses, we need to start by encouraging and backing homegrown ventures. Only then can we build a thriving ecosystem that fosters growth and innovation.
Barack Obama with 131 Mn followers promotes about the paperback version of his book - "Wherever you find your books."
Even his own website mentions all bookstores.
Most (99.99%) Indian Authors & Publishers - The book is available on this Monopolistic E-commerce Giant (book link).
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