Skewed Hiring Policies of Airlines Any airlines pilot vacancy will have one thing in common and that is type rated and minimum x number of hours on type. If they want non type rated then it would be x number of hours on aircraft with all up weight of more than xxxx, essentially meaning airline experience. There are a few fundamental problems with this policy ⛔ By wanting only type rated and current pilots you are essentially POACHING from others. Vistara for example generally never had any vacancy for non type rated and in todays scenario true for most airlines. ⛔ By adding a weight category for non type rated you are essentially once again poaching from airlines only or maybe the Airforce transport pilots who have flown heavy transport aircraft. ⛔ Why is piloting a twin engine Proline 21 jet like a Hawker any different from say an A320 for example OR why is pilot a turbo prop like a B200 different from an ATR. ⛔ Why is transition from prop to jets or vice a versa considered a task which is unachievable. After all every single pilot did his initial training on prop aircraft. The exception being air force pilots of my generation who did their basic training on jets directly- Kirans to Iskara to MiG 21s ⛔ Are the airlines not sure of their own internal training curriculum to transition pilots to narrow body and then to wide body. Majority Air India pilots as well that of Indigo one upon a time were from Air force and many from fighters. ⛔ By adding so many requirements you are only narrowing down your choices and then want to fill up this shortage by using outside pilots. ⛔ The airlines are always reactive in hiring. If A350's are being inducted does not mean that it was decided yesterday afternoon, order placed in the evening and aircraft was at Delhi in the morning. There is always enough time to hire and train. ⛔ Ridiculous age limits are imposed for hiring. Say for example 35 or 40 years for co-pilots which has no meaning other than a random number put there. It is the obligation Aviation industry to give employment to maximum number of pilots depending on the number of aircraft on strength. If they are not willing to that then stop fancy advertisement for state of the art flying schools etc to lure gullible people to spend many a lakh of rupees to acquire that. Hiding behind the veil of company requirement is not the answer. Why cannot a generic requirement be enough say for example for all narrow body: PIC- ATPL and all other licences with 3000 hours and Co-pilot - CPL with all other licences. For wide body it can be an upgrade from narrow body. I also know that it will not come from within so the GOI/MOCA will have to step in here and hence the hash tags #GOI #MOCA #DGCA #Airindia #Indigo #Akasa #spicejet #pilots #airlines
I hope this is heard and seen by the DGCA, government of India and all higher officials and diplomats. And this is a serious matter and serious action has to be taken soon .. Otherwise the only option left for a fresh Cpl holders like us would be to 1.change to a different profession or 2.leave to a foreign country. . This is a very sad situation in our country even inspite of having spent soomuch, studied, passed theory exams and medical tests and many flying skill tests and then finally obtaining a valid licence and then ending up unemployed.
I feel like, a lot needs to be done in order to battle the pilot shortage in India. These bizaare eligibility criteria of so called flagship carrier of the country is just making it more complicated for a fresh CPL holder. Because at the end of the day, people like me who are student pilots just don’t want to be unemployed after shelling out thousands of dollars in flight training.
Couldn’t agree more happening also here in Indonesia
Finally someone speaking up
Well summarized, the fallacy of India-based Airlines’ Hiring Policies! Pleased to see this come from you, Group Captain.
Sir the points you have pointed above are very true and it is much needed that these views reach the right authorities. I hope there is a change and it helps all the aviators.
Awesome article Balraj sir...very well documented with factual support...
Airline Captain - CAAP ATPL ATR 72-600/500
9moI am struggling to move to jet even with ATR PIC hours, candidate with 500 on B737 or A320 is given more preference than some with 3000+ hrs on turboprop, funny thing is that jet candidate who is SIC with less experience goes through the whole training on a wide body. I keep wondering how a turboprop pilot can’t perform or undergo the training. This is the situation is most part of the world. Airlines and their strategies on hiring is makes me loose hope in this industry. At the end of the day an airline is a corporate whose sole purpose is to make money by cutting cost, training is the only area they can cut cost. Dgca or other governing bodies should be the one save general aviation/ airforce pilots by imposing rules in hiring, hope these voice reach. Yet i am happy to be flying the fun turboprops.