Buridi Lathasree from Araku, Andhra Pradesh, manages her coffee farm and household but has had limited income due to outdated farming methods and limited market awareness. In 2021, Ayekart started operations in the region and, with Latha and local farmers' support, formed an FPCL to improve the coffee value chain. We provided training to farmers, including Latha, in modern techniques. In partnership with CCL Coffee Limited, we provided baby pulpers and tarpaulins to enhance coffee quality. This intervention doubled their income by raising the price of their coffee beans. Ayekart also created a demand for their coffee beans and connected them with buyers for better prices.
Debarshi Dutta, Milind B, Ashutosh Singh, Anand Mugad, CA Kunjal Thackar, Rajesh Jain, Anjali Mahajan, Nitish Bharadwaj, Aalap Bhatt, Avneesh Trivedi, Rocky Basor, Ankur Chaturvedi, Durgesh Gautam, Salman Haider, Anish Ahmed, Ashish Singh, Ramesh Mittal
#msme #sme #farmers #business #finance #startup #fintech #agritech #technology #ecosystem #success #growth #agrifood #agribusiness #market #empower #marketlinkage #trainning
Assistant Manager @ BCML | JUBILANT |HPL | GAIL | 💫 Quality & Technical Services | Customer-centric solutions | R&D, Application Development | Specialist in Polymers, Chemicals, Additives & Construction Solutions
3w🙏💐Happy New Year 2025!💐🙏 Wishing you success and innovation in your future ahead with the bio-polymers project! #BCML Team 🍀🌱🌿