Generational Wealth + Small Business Lending : Should be ever increasing focus for Credit Unions now.
But, a couple of pointers :
1. Do we have ‘enough’ technology to identify household members within the member’s family ? If no, isn’t it a high time to invest on this strategic direction ?
2. Launch Small Business friendly products (maybe a Credit Card to start with) and do prospecting to GenZ/Millennials from the family ?
Without keeping the generational wealth in the Credit Union - it’s very difficult for specially small to mid sized to grow the deposit base or even retain them.
Deposit flight is a real thing and should be monitored with utmost diligence.
YouGov, Bryan Clagett, Sundeep Kapur, Pam Haller, Daniel Souers, Devon Lyon, Andrew Baldwin, Elizabeth Osborne, Cathy Graham, Melanie Draheim, Sumeet Grover, Fred Hagerman, Chad Miller, Ronaldo Hardy, Gaurav Bhatia , Tom Orman, Becky Reed, Ron Shevlin, Samantha Paxson, Jay Tkachuk, Lisa Church, Corey Hollander, Richard Dedor, Kevin Farley, Doug Leighton, Gregg Hammerman, Emily Harrington, Will Crosswell, Breana Wolfert, Barry Kirby, April Clobes, Becky Smith, Ericka Gorman, MBA,PMP,CBAP, Joumana Mcdad, Jody Guetter, CFMP, Michelle Prohaska, NCCO, NCRM, CRCM
Business Development Officer at America First Credit Union
3moCongrats, MJ!! You will be great