Eric Kao, Assistant Clinical Director at Baylor Genetics, reflects on how innovation fuels transformative advancements in genetic testing, delivering impactful solutions for patients and providers. #ThinkBG #Innovation
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Desperate for answers and a solution to his health issues, Craig discovered clinical research and trials, leading him to undergo genetic testing with Invitae. This genetic test finally revealed his diagnosis of ADH1, a rare genetic condition related to hypoparathyroidism, which can cause chronically low levels of calcium in the blood and high levels of calcium in the urine. Let's bring awareness to the value of genetic testing, clinical trials, research, and accurate diagnoses for #WorldThyroidDay. 🧬🌍 #BehindTheMystery #ADH1 #ADH1Awareness #Hypoparathyroidism #RareDisease #RareDiseaseAwareness
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The pace of discovery within genetics at Mayo Clinic Laboratories is fueling the test development pipeline, with nearly 50 new biochemical and molecular genetic tests currently in development and more than 15 slated for implementation in 2024. Learn more about our advancements in genetic testing in this "Eye on Innovation."
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Why should you ensure your doctor uses broad panel genetic testing and not just spot testing? Find out in this short clip from our interview with one of the leading minds in Precision Medicine today, Dr. Razelle Kurzrock: #GeneticTesting #PrecisionCancerMedicine
Why you must ensure your doctor uses broad panel genetic testing and not just spot testing
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💉 New Blood Group Discovered: MAL! After 50 years, scientists have identified a new blood group, MAL, solving a 1972 mystery. This breakthrough: - Defines AnWj-negative blood type. - Enables genetic testing for this rare group. - Enhances transfusion safety. A monumental step in genetics and medicine! #MedicalResearch #Innovation #Healthcare #BloodTransfusion
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There is a huge surge of tech advancement in genetic testing, but the interpretation, appropriate clinical usage, and patient management, may not be keeping up. Watch our short webinar excerpt on the impacts of the fast-growing GT market here and access the full webinar to get more insights into the current state of GT:
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Therapeutic #antisenseoligonucleotides (ASOs) are emerging as promising drug candidates for the treatment of genetic disorders. Have a look at our ASO discovery pipeline, zooming in on a screen in human neurons for hit identification. If you want to know more, contact us at or connect with our specialist Roxana Redis or myself. Follow us at Discovery | Charles River #oligos #drugdeveloment #CharlesRiver
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A remarkable genetic model provides an important message to researchers in the TRPC field - have a look:
Genetic evidence against involvement of TRPC proteins in SOCE, ROCE, and CRAC channel function - PubMed
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