Every week, one of my favourite tasks at the Ethical Property Foundation is checking the client enquiries to our free Ask a Property Expert service. I am always struck by the vivid snapshot it gives of our diverse and glorious voluntary sector. Just since 1st December, we have helped refugee charities, after-school clubs, faith groups, cricket clubs, allotment and choral societies, conservation and heritage charities, community centres, community theatres, village halls, and small voluntary groups supporting every possible cause, and based in every borough, county, region, nook and cranny of this island.
This is a free service for voluntary organisations, run by our team of expert chartered surveyors. Legal, planning, valuation and VAT enquiries are passed on to our brilliant Register of Property Professionals, who generously provide further advice, pro bono and at a charity rate. Of course, the service is not really free because it must be professionally administered, managed and insured. The word ‘unique’ is overused these days, but the Ethical Property Foundation does run the ONLY free property advice service in the UK serving our voluntary sector, irrespective of cause and community. We need more support to keep this going. Huge thanks to City Bridge Foundation for their support for London, but there are a lot of groups needing help everywhere else. Property problems are a leading cause for closure and it's getting worse.
Calling all philanthropists, corporates, grant makers...any ideas?
#charities #property #propertyadvice #voluntarysector #philanthropy #grantmakers