Solar lighting reduces the carbon footprint by replacing fossil-fuel-based energy sources, contributing to a cleaner environment. 🌱⭐With safer lighting, women and girls in rural communities can engage in activities like education, evening markets, or community programs, promoting gender equality and economic empowerment.🌈✨ (Ngo, social work, women empowerment, bindi international, non-profit organization, welfare, health, society, climate change, real superheroes, world, Solar energy, inspiration, power, Social support) #saveenergy #solarenergy #women #solarpower #welfare #menstrualcycle #mensturation #ngo #socialweflare #ngoindia #sustainability #development #education #health
Bindi International’s Post
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Solar lighting reduces the carbon footprint by replacing fossil-fuel-based energy sources, contributing to a cleaner environment. 🌱⭐With safer lighting, women and girls in rural communities can engage in activities like education, evening markets, or community programs, promoting gender equality and economic empowerment.🌈✨ (Ngo, social work, women empowerment, bindi international, non-profit organization, welfare, health, society, climate change, real superheroes, world, Solar energy, inspiration, power, Social support) #saveenergy #solarenergy #women #solarpower #welfare #menstrualcycle #mensturation #ngo #socialweflare #ngoindia #sustainability #development #education #health
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🚨Newly Published Journal Article👩 IDE-JETRO's Momoe Makino investigates the relationship between #labor market information and #parental attitudes toward #women #working outside the home, employing randomized controlled trial. Read the article for free👇 Suggested reading👀 In her #IDERC article, Momoe Makino stresses the importance of #female #empowerment in promoting the #welfare of #women.
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Thanks to Trevor Gauld and the JSA team for having me at their nipaluna/Hobart roadshow this week. For my part, I talked about the challenges for Australia and Tasmania of building the skills we need for the future if our workforce remains as gender segregated as it is. How will we reach the required 32,000 electricians by 2030 if only 8% of sparkies are women? How will we solve the critical skills shortages in so many women dominated areas like nursing, early childhood education, and aged care if these industries continue to be seen as “women’s work.” One thing is for sure. Unless workplaces/industries/sectors make a deliberate plan to improve gender equity, and offer up a workplace where conditions, culture, and pay are decent and fair, we just won’t. #skills #education #genderequity
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Care work is "The most [undervalued] valuable industry in the world" "Care work is central to human and social wellbeing. It includes looking after children, the elderly, and those with physical and mental illnesses and disabilities, as well as daily domestic work..." "Without someone investing time, effort and resources in these essential daily tasks, communities, workplaces, and whole economies would grind to a halt." "Across the world care work is disproportionately falling on women and girls, especially women and girls living in poverty and from marginalized groups. While much of this work is done for free at home or in the community, women and girls working as cleaners, or in care services like healthcare or childcare often do so for poverty wages." #Care #CommunityCare #Women #Girls #Work Umbrella US Jessica J.
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What are the social challenges to adopt #bioeconomy in the regions? What #socialinnovations are being implemented? How can these be transferred to other regions? How can we assess the achievement of social equality and welfare? If you are a researcher, a practitioner of bioeconomy or a civil society organization, don't miss this #workshop to gain insights and discuss on the social issues of bioeconomy, on 14th June 2024! More info and inscription in the link 👇
#WORKSHOP 👩🏫👨🌾 How can bioeconomy benefit gender #equality, social #inclusion and #welfare in our region? 🔬🏭 What are the factors to consider when adapting innovations to our contexts? 🤝🌱 How do we know whether the transition to a bioeconomy model region is being achieved fairly and leaving no one behind? Let's find answers to this question in our BIO2REG expert workshop on ensuring a fair and just bioeconomy transition! Practitioners, researchers, and civil society organisations are invited - join us on June 14th! More info 👉 BioökonomieREVIER Forschungszentrum Jülich BIOCOM Interrelations GmbH Institute of Urban Environment and Human Resources | Panteion University Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) Kveloce Homo Silvestris Europae BIOEAST HUB Czech Republic RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Matís Iceland European Research Executive Agency (REA) EU Science, Research and Innovation BBioNets ShapingBio RuralBioUp PRIMED Project C4B
Fostering the social fairness of bioeconomy transitions - BIO2REG
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#MadhyaPradeshInFocus | Four New Missions to Drive Development in the State Starting January 1, 2025, Madhya Pradesh will launch four key missions aimed at youth, women, farmers, and the underprivileged. These missions will focus on economic empowerment, skill development, and improving access to essential resources. Swipe through to learn more about the objectives and initiatives of each mission. 👇 #madhyapradesh #empowerment #inclusivegrowth #youthdevelopment #womenempowerment #farmerwelfare
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Globally, #women carry a disproportionate burden of unpaid #caregiving responsibilities, which limits their opportunities for #paidwork and leisure. A recent study by the International Monetary Fund and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) explores policy solutions to address these hashtag #inequities. Read the full report here #PayGap #EqualPay
Promoting Gender Equality and Tackling Demographic Challenges
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"All the family housework fell on the women’s shoulders... The men hardly did any housework." Gender stereotypes fuel the unequal distribution of unpaid care work worldwide. In 20 countries surveyed, at least 48% of people believe a man's job is to earn money, while a woman's job is to look after the house and family. Doing the majority of care and domestic labour leaves many women unable to have jobs or businesses. This keeps them from achieving economic equality. SNV's "Enhancing Opportunities for Women's Enterprises" (EOWE) project challenges gender-based societal norms and leverages women's agribusiness opportunities in Vietnam and Kenya. Nguyen Thi Tham, a rice farmer from Vietnam, participated in the EOWE project and learned new farming methods that protect her rice crops from the effects of climate change. She also participated in the project's household dialogues, which supported her and her husband to redistribute housework, allowing her to spend more time on work and hobbies. Read her full story: #unpaidcare #carework #CaringEconomies #Wednesdays4Women #womenentrepreneurs CARE International UK CARE
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Congress launches 'Pyari Didi Yojana' in Delhi, pledging Rs 2,500 monthly assistance to women. A strategic move to counter AAP's schemes and address economic challenges faced by households. #ElectionPromises #WomenWelfare #PoliticalStrategy
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Look at the most depressing stats here by the @ILO- India has 53% of women who remain outside the labour force due to care responsibilities vs 1% men. This 50% plus trend is prevalent in Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Mali too and a higher proportion of women than men are in caregiving as a global trend too. “This stark #gender discrepancy highlights the disproportionate role that women take on in child-rearing, care, and support for persons with disabilities and those in need of long-term care, housekeeping, and other care responsibilities.” So what do we do? 1. Break gender stereotypical roles like we are breaking the innate use of pink and blue for women. 2. Create the requisite ecosystem and attitudinal changes to help men build and upskill caregiving abilities as #lifeskills. 3. Bring further #investments in the care economy as a #corporate and a national policy. 4. #Monetise #caregiving with fiscal implications of those who provide it and those who support it through well defined policies I would rather have my male colleagues, and all men say they helped raise their children, took up caregiving of their parents in laws, and others along with their spouses rather than include in their promotions and retirements a “profuse #thankyou” applause for their spouses for the “invaluable, intangible” support they gave to help them navigate their successful careers. #womeninlaborforce #caregiving #genderequality
Unpaid care work prevents 708 million women from participating in the labour market
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