Matías Altilio and Juan Cruz Valenzuela were representing us at the Argentine pavilion 🇦🇷 during the world's largest biotechnology convention organized by Biotechnology Innovation Organization, held in San Diego 🇺🇸 from 06-03 to 06-06 🗓. Over 20,000 people attended this event. We connected with other national and international teams and had very interesting interactions for our future endeavors 💪🏻. Thanks to the Cámara Argentina de Biotecnología and the Agencia Argentina de Inversiones y Comercio Internacional for inviting us to be part of it.
Hay equipo!!!!! Que embajadores tenemos!
Grande Juan!
Jefe de Calidad en Pampa Trade S.A. - Soporte Regional de Calidad - PCQI - Auditora Líder ISO 9001 y FSSC22000 - Auditora interna ISO 14001.
8moSo proud of you guys! 💯🙌