Biomed | NXTGEN Hightech reposted this
Yesterday I had the pleasure of giving a keynote lecture at the Consortium meeting Biomedical Production Technologies in Heeze. This consortium, which is part of the NXTGEN Hightech growth fund program, creates a valuable ecosystem to connect pieces of existing technology together in the areas of Lab-on-Chip, Organ-on-Chip, Artificial Organs, and Cell Production Technology. These promising techniques have the potential to replace exisiting animal experiments, as they provide data that translates better to the human situation than animal experiments. I could show the audience how a research funder like ZonMw contributes to the transition to animal-free innovations, amongst others with our program More Knowledge with Fewer Animals. I could also provide a peek preview of the new knowledge platform that we are building, called the NAM Navigator. In this portal, which is based on the OVIS platform of SchaapOntwerpers, we gather information relevant for the standardization, validation and acceptation of #NAMs (New Approach Methodologies or Non-Animal Methods). The NAM Navigator is aimed at researchers, start-ups, pharma, and regulators to quickly find relevant information, documents, links and organizations that can contribute to the implementation of NAMs. We aim to launch this platform early next year and hope it will become a valuable interface for all working in this exciting, but complex field. Thanks to Sabine Middendorp and Ingrid Relou for having me and putting together this very interesting meeting! Biomed | NXTGEN Hightech; ZonMw: Wetenschap voor de gezondheidszorg; Klaske Bos; Annelies van Buuren; Christa Niehot; Jelle Vriend; Corma Otte; Sarah-Sue Slaghuis; Janny van den Eijnden-van Raaij; Proefdiervrij; RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment; Regulatory Science CBG-MEB; CPBT; NEN; Laurens Schaap;
Project Leader of the NXTGEN Hightech Biomed One-Stop-Shop project
23hThanks for your inspiring talk, Martijn! We are lucky to have you as a member of the Biomed Advisory Board. Biomed | NXTGEN Hightech