Birds Canada President & CEO Patrick Nadeau is an alum of the Loran Scholars Foundation. He is featured in their recently released annual report, speaking to his continued connection with the foundation's core values of character, service, and leadership: “Not a day goes by when Loran’s core values don’t inform my work. I'm profoundly compelled to protect the beauty and diversity of life on Earth. It’s what fuels my enthusiasm for the role and what I lean on when I need to find the courage to take meaningful risks as the leader of an organization.”
CEO @ BirdLife International | Supporting 123 partner organisations in 119 countries and territories around the world
It’s Monday, day 8 of the Cali COP… …and I caught up with Patrick Nadeau who is the Chief Executive of Birds Canada (one of our two BirdLife International Partners in Canada). We discussed the new Red List of Birds (as part of the broader IUCN Red List that was published today) which puts a spotlight on declining migratory shorebirds, our love of the Canada Warbler, and, given that today is Finance Day at the COP, the Canadian Government’s track record on financing nature conservation around the world. Later, we heard that governments have announced $163 million in new pledges to Global Biodiversity Framework Fund. However, Campaign for Nature estimate that we still need governments to pledge an additional $300 million a month to meet the target of an additional $20 billion by 2025 (Target 19a of the Global Biodiversity Framework). So while the new money is welcome (and Patrick tells me this includes $2m from Quebec as the first subnational government to put money into the GBFF), there is still a huge amount still needed. Further reading about… …Birds Canada here: …Red List of Birds here: ...IUCN Red List update here: ...Government commitments to the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund here: #BirdLifeCOP16 #BirdLifeInternational #BirdLifePartnership #MessagesofHope #COP16Colombia #PeaceWithNature