Its moments like this that leaves you thankful your never had core funding from Government Funds where their decisions could have such a devastating effect such @YoungEnterpriseScotland and @PeopleKnowHow in the past few days announcing the possible redundancies for all their team and potentially having to close their charities.
Its part of a wider series of measure of austerity, scale backs, funding shifts and more that will only come to impact our sector even harder in the short and longer term.
Locally we see local authorities cut vital services that impact peoples lives, we've seen funding shifts where larger scale organisations are having to seek funding from smaller trusts and sources they wouldn't have before making smaller charities success rates even harder.
As the bigger organisations have teams of people to secure funding, but we’re also seeing any available opportunity being converted from funds to tenders, pushing our skillsets as experts in who and what we do into becoming even more difficult to become tendering experts.
It bureaucracy gone mad! Instead of investing in communities and charities it’s forcing them to spend ever more time away from doing what their experts at! Someone needs a rethink 🤯🤯🤯
Yes there is less money, yes there is more demand and yes there needs to be a new approach to solving the problems and issues our communities are facing better than what it happening just now!