I am working in Cairo (Egypt); the year is 2002
A PHONE CALL FROM HQ (in South Africa)
Mandy (CEO Assistant): Rafa, Whitey wants to speak with you
CEO: “F***ing Spaniard” (he always calls me like this; it is his friendly way to address me, both in private and in public), you are going to Madagascar as part of the Team going there to analyse a business that we may be interested to buy. You will be responsible for looking into the supplies / buying side of the business
Me: But Whitey, I am in Egypt, and we are extremely busy here. We are about to open a couple of new shops in Cairo
CEO: “FS” (for short), you take the first flight to Joburg; somebody will receive you here and put you on the first flight to Madagascar. I will join you all there to discuss the findings and recommendations as the base to make the investment decision
I buy a ticket and fly to Joburg the following day
Land in Joburg. Spend the night there and fly to Antananarivo the following morning
Our team is composed of some Directors, each responsible for different divisions
We prepare the work to do. Ready to start the following day
The two teams meet. Big round table. Smiling faces all around
Their CEO welcomes all and gives a nice speech, introducing their people and highlighting the suggested action plan ahead
As the other Company´s CEO is speaking, the members of my team feel uncomfortable and start whispering to each other (in Afrikaans)
So, what seems to be the problem ?
As it turns out, none of them speaks French (and the official language in Madagascar is, uhm, well, you guessed it: French)
Hey, guys, did you not know that ? It had not even crossed their minds. So, no plan has been made to bring translators !!!!
I raise and speak on behalf of our team; thank the CEO and the members of the other team, introduce our people and agree on the plan suggested. Then, inform our team on all spoken and agreed
Then, real work starts
I have to attend all the meetings and be the translator; not easy organizing agendas
To be fair, some of the guys on the other team can speak some English and that helps a lot
In the evenings, I meet with my counterpart on the Supply Division and do my assigned work. Looooooong days !!!
I spent two wonderful and very busy weeks in Tana (short for Antananarivo); could not see much of the city
Our CEO arrives some ten days later. We meet with him for some days to analyse and discuss all aspects of the business
And we leave. I go back to Egypt
Our Company acquired the Madagascan company and expanded the international operations
I have never gone back to Madagascar. It is pending.
You will not find this Job in my CV
Me on the Nile (Cairo, 2002)
I do not have any picture in Madagascar 😉
Sales Employee at Al-Hamawi Roastery
4modo you guys accept people who are fluent in english only?