🔟🎉 This year we’re delighted to be celebrating Interventek’s 10th Anniversary and reflecting on our exciting story of innovation. 🔟🎉 We’re extremely proud of our growing track record and grateful to our team of staff, customers and partners who have worked with us towards a shared goal of delivering better subsea solutions. THANK YOU! 👏 We’ve sure packed a lot in since 2004!.. 🙌
Looking forward, we’re focused on growing international and cross-sector energy opportunities and continued system and technology innovation, but for now, here’s a quick look back over a few of our notable achievements:
2014 – 2015: Development and commercialisation of shear-seal Revolution technology.
2015: Launch of Surface Revolution Valve.
2016 – 2024: More than 40 Surface Revolution valves in service with numerous successful runs to date.
2016: Launch of In-Riser Revolution Valve.
2017 – 2024: 24 In-Riser Revolution valves in service with numerous successful runs to date.
2017: Launch of the world’s first 20K in-riser shear-seal valve.
2017: Launch of Open-Water Revolution Valve for use in EDP & LRP Intervention Systems.
2018 – 2024: 13 Open-Water Revolution Valves in service with multiple system deployments to date.
2018 – 2019: Development and supply of 3 In-Riser Landing String Systems.
2019: Launch of, and order secured for, fast-acting In-Riser Revolution PowerPlus Valve.
2019 – 2023: Development and launch of expanded rental equipment portfolio.
2020: Expansion of in-house engineering, testing & qualification facilities.
2021: First deployment of In-Riser Revolution PowerPlus Valve
2022: Launch of, and orders secured for, Slimline In-Riser Revolution Valve.
2023: Launch of, and order secured for, world's first 20K Open-Water EDP and LRP Valve Package.
2023 – 2024: Launch of, and order secured for, Bore Selector.
2023 – 2024: Launch of Ultra-Lightweight Open-Water Intervention System and ongoing development of package variants.
If you’d like to join our journey of innovation and enterprise and have a subsea project looking for the most efficient well entry or control solution, please get in touch on enquiries@interventek.com or visit our website for more information www.interventek.com
#businessgrowth #wellintervention #wellcontrol #technology #innovation #enterprise
General Manager-Sales at Swegon India-(Latour Group Company) Marketing|Application|Design|Sales|Projects|Production|Planning|Purchase. SME-Datacenter Cooling Expert for Chiller-FWU-PAHU-IN Row-PAC.