Working for an education-based non-profit is interesting. People ask what it is we do. Our mission statement says we empower students to discover their voice, improve academic outcomes, and engage in self-directed learning through project-based storytelling. But how do we do that? Developed by researchers at the University of Oregon, JLI's Journalistic Learning approach centers student interests, connects classrooms with communities, and equips young people with crucial skills. Our programs prepare educators to lead Journalistic Learning units in their classrooms. At every step of the journalistic journey, students connect with their communities in meaningful ways, whether it's interviewing a local expert on an issue or publishing their findings for community members to read. This is why the simplest way to explain what JLI does is this: We help teachers help their students, who help their communities, and your donations make that happen. Please consider supporting our work:
We can’t do it without YOU! Research shows that Journalistic Learning helps students identify, address, document and communicate about complex problems that can make a difference in their communities and in their own and others’ lives (Beghetto & Madison 2022). Help us continue to empower students of all backgrounds by donating today.