Boché Dobelle reposted this
It was a great honour for me to participate in the TMA NOW Journey through interconditional and interlocking schemes of arrangements panel in London on 10-12 June, alongside: - #FelicityToube and #AnnaNolan(United Kingdom), - #JacquelineChan (Singapore), #RachaelSmiley (United States) #BarbaraRumoraScheltema (Netherlands). This panel gave us the opportunity to discuss ✔ The main differences between #Frenchacceleratedsafeguardprocedure and the UK scheme of arrangement; ✔ French-style #crossclasscramdown I look forward to discuss restructuring issues with all the professionals from around the world members of TMA - FRANCE of TMA Europe and Turnaround Management Association (TMA UK) Turnaround Management Association #Anticipate #Lead #Guide Boché Dobelle - Avocats Paris