BPA GmbH "Waterproofing is our Passion"’s Post

A waterproofing system usually consists of the measures for substrate preparation (e.g. a sprayed concrete / shotcrete and a waterproofing base/substrate), a protective layer (e.g. protective non-woven, protective membrane, drainage mat) and a plastic sheet waterproofing membrane (KDB). The new Generation of a waterproofing sheet membrane is a PVC based membrane with a self-healing, self-sealing layer which allows no water tracking between the membrane and the inner concrete shell. The inner shell concrete is designed as a waterproof inner shell concrete structure with an independent structural waterproofing function of the actual inner shell (concrete) and the waterstops bridging and sealing the segment joints. All construction joints and non-movement joints can be sealed efficient using the active CEMflex metal waterstop. A grouting and injection system (Predimax) on the tunnel top must be foreseen in order to fill up the gap and inject the top area of the NATM tunnel to secure the full contact of the active self-healing and self-sealing plastic sheet membrane DualProof CS / SilverSeal and the inner tunnel concrete shell. The above-mentioned system describes the waterproofing system for a design with water pressure covers the full cross-section and is known as all-round waterproofing or full-around waterproofing solution. #tunnel #infrastructure #construction #innershell #whitebox #sealingtape #jointsealing #waterstop #plasticsheet #KDB #Dichtiungsbahn #selfseal #selfheal #selfsealing #selfhealing #sheetmembrane #tunnelliner #compartment #welding #bonding #injectionhose #injectiontube #Predimax #DualProof #SilverSeal #grouting #injection #plasticwaterproofingsheet #cemproof #bpawaterproofing #cemflex #fabrinet #hypernet #drainage #hydrostatic #pressurerized #water #groundwater #constructionjoint #sectionjoint #stuva #innovation #intertunnel #ITA #underground #WTC #Tunnelinnovation #sealingtechnology #xypex #admix #xypexadmix #kiwa #kiwatestreport #performance #innovation #nextlevel #stuva #easyseal #barrirex #cemtobent #cemproof

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