NEW 'Placement Controls' ⛔ for Advantage+ Shopping campaigns. Meta keeps adding new features for Adv+ shopping >>> This new option allows you to exclude specific placements. Before this update, you were not able to control any of the placements on which your Adv+ shopping ads may show. --- When you have access to this option, you can find it in 'Ad account settings' within Business Manager. Navigate to 'Ad account setup' > 'Account controls' to get started. Selecting 'Placement controls' opens options to set placement exclusions for ad delivery. Right now, there's a predefined list of placements available for manual control. If you unselect any of the following placements, Meta will avoid showing ads on these placements whenever possible: Apps and sites: - Audience Network native, banner and interstitial - Audience Network rewarded videos - Audience Network in-stream videos Feed: - Facebook Marketplace - Facebook right column Meta notes that excluding placements reduces opportunites to reach your target audience and that it may hurt campaign performance. While this is certainly true, excluding placements like the Audience Network can put more focus on ad delivery on other placements that drive higher conversion rates. --- Account controls allow you to set specific audience and placement controls that apply to all Advantage+ shopping campaigns for your ad account. These audience controls allow you to set limits on who can see your ads. It's interesting that Meta is putting all these controls at the account level, applying it to all your campaigns at once. For now, this is all about controlling Advantage+ shopping campaigns, but I wonder if there would be more account controls in the future that also apply to other campaign types. That would mean that we would get less control on individual campaigns and control most audience targeting at the account level. Let's wait and see how this expands in the future. --- Hi 👋 I’m Bram. I share updates about Facebook Ads and all things digital marketing. Follow my updates to stay up to date on all new features and insights. You'll probably hear it from me first 🤓 #facebookads #digitaladvertising #digitalmarketing
That's good! It would be even better if advertisers had the option to customize the appearance of ads on specific placements (e. g. Stories). This would be particularly important for luxury brands, that are very obsessed with this aspect. Hopefully, we'll see it in the (near?) future
This was much needed. The power of ADV+ but with control. Thank you for sharing Bram
Much needed feature, hope meta add more in near future.
And soon everyone can create narrow targetings again 😏
Amazing post....thanks for sharing.
yeah, more controls.. 👍
Great news.
Much needed update , thanks for sharing.
Digital Advertising and SEO Specialist, and AI Assistant Builder
1yExcellent. Good news.