Princess Cruises, known around the world as “The Love Boat,” is celebrating six decades of delivering dream vacations and happiness to millions of cruisers with a special 14-day 60th Anniversary Mexican Riviera Voyage, departing from the Port of Los Angeles on December 6, 2025. On sale now, this milestone cruise onboard Royal Princess will include some of the same ports on the first-ever voyage that set sail on December 3, 1965, on Princess Patricia. As part of the announcement, Princess revealed that The Temptations, the legendary Motown group behind the classic hit “My Girl,” will sail on the 60th anniversary voyage for a memorable performance. To mark the occasion, The Temptations performed their beloved song live onboard Discovery Princess recently, giving guests a preview of the incredible entertainment planned for the milestone cruise and celebrating the 60th anniversary of the release of “My Girl,” making it a double milestone event. Princess Cruises Gustavo Antorcha jill whelan #brm #cruises #dreamvacations #Voyage #hospitality #travelpackages #cruiseindustry #luxurytrip