🤓 What I've been hyper-focusing on lately: 🧑💻 Harvard's massive online class CS50 (playing on hard mode for people with previous programming experience) is the most fun I've had learning in a long time. I'll never complain if I get to spend my entire day plugging away at logic puzzles, but this has been one of those Profoundly-Reinvigorates-My-Love-For-Figuring-Things-Out™️ kind of experiences. 🤖 When I graduated from bootcamp, I could write decent web programs, but wasn't comfortable with my (lack of) depth of knowledge in computer science fundamentals - something that persisted through my first couple of years being a dev - and this has been such a satisfying way to continue closing that gap. 🤔 Diving into C for the first time has improved my understanding of how memory actually works by a factor of about a million. The weekly problem sets are ~just tedious enough (and they have servers for running automated tests on your homework programs 😮 Seriously, look at that green wall of smiley-faced passing tests - so satisfying)! 🧑🏫 Balancing out that practice-to-theory ratio with some more formal CS instruction has made so many concepts click in ways that hadn't before. I'll almost always choose hands-on learning over lectures, but I find returning to theory after gaining some practical experience is always a huge boost to my holistic comprehension. I swear this isn't an ad, but I would highly recommend CS50 for my bootcamp grad developer pals (or just nerds who love hyper-focusing on logic problems in general)!
This sounds awesome! I've definitely been feeling the same CS knowledge gaps as a bootcamp grad so might have to give it a go. I'd be keen to hear roughly how many hours a week you're spending on it?