Welcome to Pass the mic.
I'm here with Tony-Ann. Do you want to introduce yourself? Hi there, Tony-Ann Grant, I'm the Principal Security Architect,
for Protect BT. I'm also a distinguished
engineer of the tech fellowship. And, great to be here today, thanks. Lovely. So tell me a little bit about,
why you got into cyber? Okay, so I've
always had a love of technology. It's always been something
that has been part of my fabric almost. And, so I've had technical jobs, all the way through my career, and, I spent quite a bit of time
working with, DFTS, a part of BT. Working for the military division, Wow. of the MOD it was part of the Joint Forces Command, and being in that
environment, where you see, defense of the nation
actually being something that is real, something that is tangible,
being part of it. Gives you a sense of social responsibility, and enormous pride. And, that was really my first, soiree into cyber as it was, but more in a defense, perspective than specifically cyber security. And that's where I got the bug really. Technical, people that are looking
to get into the tech more technical side, any suggestions there? Yes, absolutely. Keep learning, self-learning,
learning all the time. Learn from other people,
learn from, different mediums, so read, podcasts. Because that, is the key to, you know,
a good relationship with your technical self. Finding something that actually
brings a spark of joy each time.