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Bufstream uses next-gen testing tools like Antithesis and Jepsen to ensure we deliver the most correct implementation of #Kafka's entire protocol (including transactions and exactly-once semantics). We do this by disaggregating storage from compute, which means you can infinitely absorb topic writes using S3-compatible object storage and elastically scaling compute up or down without having to fret about topic partition rebalancing, etc. Oh, it's also fully self-hosted (BYOC). 😜 Distributed systems like Bufstream are fundamentally about handling "rare" events that happen constantly at scale. Here's what most people miss about distributed systems: 1️⃣ Network delays and message reordering are constant challenges, not exceptions. 2️⃣ Clients retrying operations introduces a new layer of complexity and potential bugs. 3️⃣ Fault tolerance mechanisms to improve user experience can introduce more issues. 4️⃣ Testing the resilience of these systems is incredibly difficult due to the near-infinite number of possible failure modes. 5️⃣ Higher expectations for reliability paradoxically create more opportunities for things to go wrong. The key to building robust distributed systems isn't trying to predict every possible failure. It's building systems (like Bufstream) that can gracefully handle the unexpected and recover from failures we didn't anticipate. #DataEngineering #DataStreaming #dataops #ai #FutureOfEngineering #TechTrends #Engineering #ApacheKafka #DevOps #CloudNative #DistributedSystems #BigData #CloudIntegration
Head of DevRel @ Buf. Scaling Kafka & gRPC with Protobuf.
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