In 2018, there were many cases of agrarian conflict in Kulon Progo. The struggle for rights occurred between residents of Kulon Progo and PT Angkasa Pura I which had carried out land transactions through court intermediaries. On June 28 2018, hundreds of officers from a combination of Civil Service Police Units (known as Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja), Polices and Indonesian National Armies (TNI) escorted nine heavy equipment that evicted the land of residents who were refusing the construction of an international airport or known as NYIA (New Yogyakarta International Airport). One of the land owners, namely Mak Tum, explained that the NYIA development would rob her of her livelihood which depends on fertile land on the Kulon Progo coast. The struggle carried out by Mak Tum and other residents has been going on for more than six years, including holding actions at the village hall, the regent's office, and even the governor's office. Repression from the authorities is often obtained from the actions they carry out, apart from that, intimidation from PT Angkasa Pura I is also often received in order to defend their residence from eviction. The NYIA development project was included in the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) in the year of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's leadership (2011). However, this project was realized during Joko Widodo's leadership after it stalled. According to data from the NYIA opposition community, there are at least 300 heads of families or 1,200 people on the land affected by the Kulon Progo airport eviction who depend on the agricultural sector for their livelihood. It gives a rise that it could be a threat to food self-sufficiency. Farming community groups manage 2000 to 4000 square meters of land planted with rice, corn and various vegetables and fruit. The group admitted that it would be very difficult if they had to change professions from the world of agriculture, considering that they live in an agrarian environment. The airport was inaugurated in 2020 and has changed its name to New Yogyakarta Airport after an alliance of Kulon Progo residents supported the development. This new airport has a terminal area of 219 thousand square meters, much wider than the terminal at Adisucipto International Airport which has an area of 17 thousand square meters. The new airport's passenger capacity is much greater, namely 20 million passengers per year compared to Adisucipto International Airport which can only accommodate 1.6 million passengers per year. Yogyakarta International Airport is designed to be safe and has resistance to earthquake disasters of up to 8.8 magnitude. Apart from that, it can withstand tsunami waves up to 12 meters high. Reference: and #NYIA #kulonprogo #adisuciptointernationalairport