This is a strategy you can utilize about any worst case scenario you fear. Think about a worry you have, ask yourself what you are afraid of happening, and do go there. Solve that hypothetical problem in your mind. The reason why it works is that it reminds you of your strengths and your problem solving skills. There is a caveat to this though. What do you think it is? I’ll share in the comments.
This is what it REALLY means to be wealthy… 💰 Financial expert @farnooshtorabi is on today’s episode of @themelrobbinspodcast to uncover the major money myths that have you feeling trapped, and the steps you need to take to build wealth. 🎧 “The #1 Money Rule to Live By: Understand The Psychology of Money” Watch it here: #melrobbins #melrobbinspodcast #moneyrules #psychologyofmoney #moneymyths
Associate Certified Coach
3moThe caveat is if emotions are high, you can’t really complete this exercise effectively. If you are having any particular emotion overwhelmingly, that needs to be addressed first. Good news is, emotions come and go. They only need recognition and space to move. To exercise any coaching tool on yourselves, make sure to give your difficult emotions the stage first.