Get in touch! #Buyer, £38000.00 - £40000.00 per annum - #Oxfordshire. A fast-growing startup is looking for a Buyer to become a permanent member of their team in Oxford, with a salary of up to £40,000. Want to find out more? Visit our website to apply
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If you are an experienced recruiter outside of the UK, who's considering launching your own business, do yourself a favour - take a look at Reed Franchise Partnerships! Our Start Smart platform will see you all set up for Tech, Marketing. Ops and L&D (and offer you some huge savings on licences), allowing you to do what you do best - recruit! Check out our website in comments below (you can also contact us from the website). #byob #startup #recruitment #recruitmentstartup #beyourownboss
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How do you balance being a "hunter" & a "farmer" in your recruitment startup? 😶 That's the topic of discussion in this week's mailer which has just arrived in the inboxes of our client base 📨 We often talk about the multiple hats that recruitment agency business owners must wear when running & developing their agencies - this is no more evident than in the day-to-day recruitment within your startup. Yes new business is important, yes you need to continually be on the hunt for the next client to add to your agency but not at the expense of the clients you're already lucky enough to be working with. This weeks mailer really focuses on effective client management. Some good insights in there from the Isotope team - well done everyone 👏🏻 #recruitmentstartup #recruitmentinvestment #recruitmentbusinesssupport #recruitmentbusinesssetup #businesstips #recruitmentstartuptips
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My business had been stagnant for a while, but suddenly I found myself unable to fulfill customer orders. I'm happy to share how my business was able to take off in a new direction, and I would be glad to provide assistance if you are looking to grow your own enterprise. As the saying goes, "money makes money," but the challenge lies in finding the initial capital to get started. The key is to identify a product that essentially sells itself. In the past, I would hire sales people and provide them with a base salary for the first three months, only to have them resign shortly after. I had to repeat this process multiple times and feel free to share your experiences. DM if you are looking to connect. #securityservices #business #startup #1866noentry #securitysystems #monitoring #construction #development
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Why credible UK recruitment businesses struggle to scale in the States⬇️ There's always been a lot of noise about the recruitment landscape in the States. ► Less competition ► Higher average order value business ► There's simply more to go at So why do ambitious, credible, hyper growth UK brands struggle to grow stateside? There's one common theme.... They try and build it like a UK BUSINESS. I met the SVP of a 110 head NY office last week (UK founded brand). They discussed 3 main issues they faced in the early days. - They tried to replicate their Manchester culture in downtown Manhattan - They used the same compensation scheme as their UK bases - They had the same KPI's globally Culturally: I can assure you a college grad in the centre of Manhattan is very different to someone who graduated Cov uni and plays Sunday league at the weekend... Compensation: To the locals, our compensation is terrible. We average a third of billings as take-home. They average 50%. Lot's of Directors/MD's will be on 52%-55% take-home. Why would they join your start up if they can join an established corporate and still be paid more.... Kpi's / Non negotiable's: BD is f*cking difficult in the UK, you have to be super super aggressive to get the same results that a rookie can get stateside. If they see x amount of dials per day or x amount of specs per week, they'll think you're nuts. Successful start ups stateside ADAPT to the local market. If any UK brand would like a deeper run through on this I'm happy to meet / talk with anyone to discuss who's doing it right. 📧 #startups #r2r #recruitmentstartup #newyork
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Sales leader avoids bait and switch equity offer from startup. I consulted with a sales leader named Seth recently. He had asked me to evaluate his employment offer. Seth was looking to join an exciting AI startup with great promise. He would be the first sales hire and tasked with building a team. Seth thought this was his chance for a big score with equity. He was willing to take a lower salary and pay package for it, despite my sharing to never do so for promises of startup equity. Seth asked me to review his employment documents. The comp plan was ridiculous. ❌ it was both bad and unrealistically good ❌ there was a cliff on commission payouts ❌ nothing for the first 100% of goal ❌ then 35% cumulatively/retroactively thereafter No startup can afford to payout 35% commission. Not when they are raising money at a low valuation. The company was dangling a huge carrot they wouldn't deliver on. Just like the equity they were promising. There was no stock plan included for my review. Seth was told he would receive it when he started. I told him he can’t accept the job without reviewing it in advance. There could be terms in it, so he never receives equity. After 2 weeks of asking for the stock plan, Seth received a document. He was told it was the stock plan he asked for. Seth thought it was the plan and sent it over for my review. It turns out that what was sent was an addendum to the plan. It allows the company the authority to grant equity to new employees without having to convene a board meeting every time. It is simply a procedural document, not the stock plan. Seth’s potential new employer was being intentionally deceitful. Clearly the stock plan exists or there wouldn't be an addendum to it. After 4 weeks of inquiries, Seth never got the plan and moved on. Why was the company being deceitful? Why were they lying about the plan? I see this all the time. Employers attempting to bait and switch employees. Before you sign on the dotted line, before you resign from your prior role, make sure everything is in place. Don’t let them tell you “We’ll take care of it”. Make it a contingency of you taking the job. Just like you signing those restrictive clauses are for the employer. Don't let anyone ever make you feel bad for getting clarification and getting everything that matters in writing. If they push back, it is a huge red flag that they likely never intended to honor their verbal promise in the first place. Your employment is a two-way street. A process of give and take as any relationship should be. Don’t let it be one-sided. Stand up for yourself. Everyone deserves transparency.
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3 reactions when you, as a Salesperson, ask a Founder: "Do you like to pay out sales commission?" 1) "It's part of the business, right" 2) "I sure do!" 3) "Why would you ask this? Not sure I follow." (argumentative response) Once you are bold enough to ask this question - - #2 is the only Founder you WANT to work for. When you take a job with 1) or 3) you can't be surprised when comp plans get changed along the way or you're potentially fighting for payouts on individual deals... SO....KEEP networking daily - - - to find #2 if you're not working for one today. A good starting point is locating founders who have sold enterprise deals before, who understand your challenges & motivations.... #sales #salesreps #enterprisesales #ae #bdr #sdr #salesteams #salesculture #salescomp #saas #saassales #startups #startupsales #founders #softwaredevelopment #commissions #salescommissions #salescomp #commissionstructures #salesquota #money #b2bsales #networking
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Are you South African? And do you want to work for global Startups? Well the easiest way to join them is to be in Tech or Sales ---------- And if you're in either of those two specialities, You really should register a business in SA A private and limited liability company Why? Because if they do want to work with you Instead of dealing with all the legal redtape of employment contracts They can just create a B2B contract, and contract your services to them Bonus is you can also charge more because of this contract structure It's less risk and burden to the startup, so you can be compensated for that The downside is, you take on that risk, because they can end a contract much easier than they can end a permanent employee
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Not sure if anyone has told you, but the 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 to closing sales and creating a winning company culture is simple as A.B.C. (in my little Michael Jackson voice) 𝑨𝑩𝑪: ➡️ Always Be Creating: new ideas, content, offers ➡️ Always Be Connecting: with prospective vendors, services providers, peers, customers ➡️Always Be Conversing: On the phone, in real life, DMs or via your sales team. Remember, a closed mouth don’t get fed . ➡️ Always Be Closing: Ask for the commitment ASK for the contract + compensation ASK them how you can best service them? ASK and Receive… all the above. Let me ask, what can I do for you? #BusinessIsPersonal #InRealLife #Sales #ASKmethod #Negotiations #Startups #SalesTeama #Business
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This post may lead to some disagreement, but it is important to accept the fact. It might be long, Please Read it…. What do you think, why most of the new startups are shutting down? I have a very strong points on this matter. Accept it or not but it is the truth. I am not just creating it, its a experience shared by one of my closest entrepreneur friend. Don't make this mistakes if you're a businessman or if you want to become a business man. Please Note it down 👇🏻 1) Over Spending:- While Starting a business, everyones dream is to have a very well furnished office, luxury rooms, luxury meeting rooms etc. Here everyone please note i am using the word ‘luxury’ because this luxury will make your wallet empty. I am asking, at the starting stage of the business why you need this showoffs? Look all the big business, Everything is started from a single room. Everyone’s dream is to become like Amazon but nobody wants to start a business like amazon that's the different. You should see the struggle first, not only the success. I will write a brief explanation about this topic on coming days. 2) No Safety Funds:- After spending everything on Office, Materials and Inventory. Now the time to calculating the remaining fund. Once you get to know this fund is not enough to run the business then started to search for investors, lenders and loans. The fall started from here. Then it will continue till the end. Once you get inside the loan trap then it will be very difficult to come out of it. Safety fund is always necessary for new startups. As per my friend opinion we should have one year backup plan with it. 3) Bad team selections Always new startups are fail to hire good candidates for the role. For salary compromises they will agree for the candidates who are not able to fulfill their requirements. But here salary matters. If a driver doesn’t know to drive the car then how he is going to win the race. Always hire a eligible candidate for the roles. You cannot negotiate with the quality of work. 4) Referral Hiring Stop it today. You’re not here to build your family, it’s all about business. If you want to reach the sky, then don’t look at the people who is not having job in your family. Don’t make a mistake on this. Company policy will compromise if you hire a family member. 5) Lack of Listening Leave your bossy attitude if you want to success in your business. Listen each and every individual, it will help you to grow your business. Don’t act like you know everything. Sometimes your mistakes will ruin everyone’s effort. 6) No Digital Touch Some startups are still acting like they are in the year 2000. Still not updated. In this digital world social presence is very very important. If you don’t have that then write my words you will never going to succeed in coming years. Hope this will helps you to Build your base very strong. Please Follow for more tips. #business #businessgrowth #startup #businesstips
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A bad day at work. Great! Had a fallout with your spouse earlier. Rent is due some time, and you don't know where to get it. This situation is not different from running or managing your startup. If you have been there and lived through this, trust you can make it out here. There are times when progress is silent and invisible but, you just need to hang on there on whatever juice/hope/drive/passion you have left in you. You wake up every day with a HOPE. You get those appointments sorted out, shoot for those RFQs, and yet nothing seems to crumble. In due time the barriers will break. Qn is will you survive that long to see it through? Or will you pack your bags and exit? #TheJourney #JSK
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