Hello.. 🙋♂️ ! Let´s talk about the Flow Assurance. The Flow assurance is a new term in the oil and gas industry, originating in the 1990s, and coined by Petrobras. Translated from the Portuguese, this meant ‘guarantee of flow’ – or the ensuring that fluids produced by a fuel reservoir consistently and reliably reach the point of separation into discrete compounds. More recently, the term has come to encompass the entire supply chain, from source to end-user.
Despite its various definitions in the past twenty-five years, garantia de escoamento broadly involves the identification of potential oil and gas fields and wells, and the logistics behind transporting any fuels to storage or processing facilities as efficiently as possible. Flow assurance is therefore particularly important (and difficult) with offshore operations.
In a sentence: flow assurance is the process by which fuel production is guaranteed through the minimising of restrictions on physical fuel flow.
Flow assurance in offshore operations
With multiple assets and asset teams, it is vital that everybody involved in offshore operations is communicating efficiently and effectively. A team leader working in flow assurance should be able to understand and disseminate the biggest risks their system is facing: the personnel working on-site need to be confident in their ability to monitor fuel flow, and those on-shore should be in constant contact.
Modelling the risks associated with flow assurance is a difficult task, but a thorough understanding of each key stakeholder should allow a full risk profile to be drawn up. Due to the sheer number of stakeholders and associated risks with offshore operations, there usually has to be one risk manager per asset – which means that complex operations have an abundance of interfaces. Put simply, high-level managers often struggle to account for who is doing exactly what within the business.
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