Congratulations to Roswell Shelhamer for hitting his 25 year anniversary in the stable isotope industry today. During his tenure, Ros has gained extensive knowledge in many areas of stable isotopes, from benchwork to business development. His continuous support to the field in various roles has facilitated ground breaking research and many, many friendships. Please join us in congratulating Ros!
Vice President | Strategic Planning | Business Development | Business Strategy | Operations | Manufacturing | Specialty Chemicals |Sales | Business Acumen | Life Science
The 'Higgs Field' has been known as the "Aether", ether, since 1865 when James Clerk Maxwell explained the Ether is what carries electro-magnetic waves of Kinetic Energy. The Higgs Boson was a proposal related to 'Massive' particles first forming after the "Big Bang" and then 'picking up the Higgs Boson' so the particles would become "Massive". The idea was not really related to the Higgs field at the time.
Clearly the Ether exists... but is it the 'Higgs field' that allows for the transmission of Electro-Magnetic energy in tiny packets known now as Photons as Maxwell discovered?
"Mass'Querade" needs no Higgs Boson to explain that the Ether can act as a medium to transmit waves like air or water and Energy equal to the 'mass' of particles replaces the Higgs Boson . Ether can be condensed in the direction of the center of 'Gravitational Objects' while leaving the far reaches of the field of Ether slightly stretched forming a Gravitational Field around all "Massive" objects. At the subatomic level, "Massless Blackholes" form inside every particle as densified 'Points of Gravity' (No Higgs) around which Photons can lock into orbits the size of the particles being formed. Click for "The Movie".
The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 was the culmination of decades of work. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don gives us a taste of the sprint to discovery.
Many times outside-the-box thinkers, visionaries, and people with cognitive gifts can be stigmatized as odd, crazy, and nuts. Even to such an extent that it is possible to lose standing and influence in one's profession because of the pursuit of the unconventional or topics that are difficult to know and challenge current epistemic spaces. Pursing novel, new and unusual ideas requires courage, stamina, and a supportive environment. Consider for example, Bruno (a metaphor) who has a gift of seeing the future. Consider those who advocate for the study of the existence of intelligent non human species. Key questions: How do we respond to people with these abilities and interests? How do we provide a safe space for those who are epistemic developers, creators of new classification of species, and explorers of new and unusual environments?
Professor and Author, University of North Carolina Wilmington;
Not to be a downer, but historically, advocating for the study of extraterrestrial life has been fraught with danger and hostility. Thankfully things are changing. In putting together content for Beyond the Stars I will be discussing this tradition, which includes the brave and brilliant Giordano Bruno (burned alive in 1600).
Electrophysiologist with The Heart House New Jersey
Interesting Focal AT from the mitral annulus. Optrell in a shepherds hook flatted on septum shows arrows leaving the earliest site of activation and spreading to LA. Daniel Mantoni, CEPS
And quickly, as if upon by a magical Djinn, visions of the Nile, and it’s animals, and their age, are shown before me.
Meanwhile, Lilith is thinking through the Axioms of the various domains of mathematics, chirping happily and illustrating.
Are there non axiomatic systems in mathematics?
This is Henry, a Nile Crocodile. He is the oldest known croc in the world, born in 1900.
The man-eating croc was caught by an elephant hunter called Sir Henry, hence his name.
He is estimated to weigh almost a ton and is 5 meters long.
He’s also fathered around 10,000 offspring during his lifetime.
Henry was caught in 1903, making him more than 120 years old,
48 years older than Isnotreal 😄
Our history expert, Peter, recently retired after a long career at Varax that began back in the 1970s. As the third generation of his family at Varax, Peter has been an invaluable resource, always ready to share his knowledge and experience.
Thank you for everything, Peter! ✨
In the article below from pietarsaarensanomat, you can read more about Peter and his career at Varax.
ComboCurve hits Charleston next week, May 6-8!
Don’t miss Douglas McMaster's presentation at SÖKKVABEKKR 2024 (SAGA Wisdom) on Tuesday, May 7!
Presentation 4: “Bias lsn't a Bad Word: Better Bets with Strong Beliefs during Early-Time Forecasting.”
Get a walk-through of ComboCurve’s workflow and see firsthand how using our platform not only speeds up the forecasting process but allows your team to leverage the power of prior beliefs – even with limited data – to refine early-time forecasting and predict well performance more accurately in your assets.
For more details on SÖKKVABEKKR 2024, visit:
Heading to SÖKKVABEKKR 2024? Let us know in the comments and let’s connect!
Vice President | Strategic Planning | Business Development | Business Strategy | Operations | Manufacturing | Specialty Chemicals |Sales | Business Acumen | Life Science
1wCongrats! I can’t believe it’s 25 years.