🎮New level for brands unlocked?🔓 ❌ Well, strictly no, but more on that below. 🔁 Not for the first time (see comments for reminder), PlayStation are doing a takeover on part of the TFL network. 🚇 A carriage on the Victoria Line has had a PlayStation themed moquette installed and all advertising space will be dedicated to PlayStation. 🎅🏻 Not exactly shock timing given that Christmas is on the horizon. It’s 30 years since the original console was released and boy, was that the mother of all Christmases in our house! 🔵 The moquette is remarkably subtle, but it’s no accident that it’s on the Victoria Line. You gotta stay on brand with your colour choice, right? 🟡 PlayStation are not the first, but they are the first in a long time. In the 90’s, the Yellow Pages did it on the Circle Line - you can see it in the comments. 💭 Why don’t more brands do this? #brands #advertising #transport