Camus Cognac partnered with Davidoff Cigars for an exclusive evening at the prestigious Emory Hotel Cigar Lounge in Knightsbridge. Two exceptional creations took center stage: the Davidoff Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 and our Camus Cuvée 4.186. The evening spotlighted the Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 — Davidoff’s crowning achievement, featuring tobacco aged for an extraordinary total of 111 years. This rare gem offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience, much like our own Camus Cuvée Electrum, which is a blend of four exceptional eaux-de-vie totaling 186 years of aging. Guests were first introduced to the Davidoff Oro Blanco, paired with our signature Camus XO. As the night progressed, attendees enjoyed the exclusive tasting of Camus Cuvee 4.186 — a perfect complement to Davidoff's most prestigious cigar. Together, we celebrated the artistry and craftsmanship that define both Camus and Davidoff. Discover the ideal pairing of Camus Cuvée 4.186 with the Davidoff Oro Blanco - at Davidoff Cigars and the Cuvee at Speciality Brands
Two Maisons I know particularly and personally well. High-class pairing, wonderful excellence in execution.
Congrats! I think I love this Brand.
Très beau flacon !
So well coordinated !
Whisky Cellar Master / Distiller
3wCigars and cognac are an interesting pairing, The flavors of Camus cuvée 4.186 make more intense flavors from the cigar Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111