The EU is attaching great importance to the regeneration of agricultural soils in order to halt the advance of desertification in the countries of the South. Biochar can be of great help to recover the carbon content of the soil, water retention, micro-organisms and at the same time reduce CO2 in the atmosphere in an effective and safe way.
Greek National TV highlights our project from Lesvos Island. Thanks, #Aegean team! Well done! University of the Aegean #SoilOlive #UJA #ProyectoEuropeo #Europa #FondosEuropeos #Olivos #Soil #Olive #Ecología #EuropeanCommission #SoilMission #HorizonEurope Carboliva BioCarbón Sostenible Antonio Manzaneda Sapienza Università di Roma Università degli Studi Roma Tre CSIC CSIC Andalucía CSIC Innovación Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha UNE Asociación Española de Normalización Rosa Cepas Aguayo University of the Aegean Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Hellenic Mediterranean University NUTESCA SL Deoleo Soil & Water Resources Institute, ELGO-DIMITRA Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Università degli studi di Palermo Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknès University of Basel