Why you do not get a good range for your LoRaWAN deployment? Ironically, the likely reason is the assumed correct antenna. Always get your antenna to reliable vendors like RAKwireless 📶 There are lots of other factor involved like attenuation of signal due to obstruction, not optimized datarate, etc. But majority of the issue (assuming line-of-sight) is just antenna. Wrong resonant freq, bad gain (too high/low), poor coupling, etc. #lora #lorawan #rak #rakwireless
Easier said than done for most projects. There is really no great help out there to pick the right antenna without having half a major in physics.
IoT & LPWAN Expert
5moI see many gateways where the antenna is installed parallel to metal poles etc.. Results in inconsistent performance. 400 grade feeder cables, sealing the couplings and taking time on quality installations makes a huge difference. High gain omni boosts both Rx & TX.. But with slightly worse SNR.