PCOS, endometriosis, PMS -all linked to degraded quality of life for sufferer, plus infertility. Find out the alternatives to identify and treat the underlying cause of infertility means you cut the gourdian knot for patients, improving their health by treating the disorder and restore their fertility. Isn't it time to explore Restorative Reproductive Medicine? rrmcongress.com
Join us in exploring the world of restorative reproductive medicine! 🌟 Discover how we're restoring natural reproductive function and addressing underlying health issues. Learn more at rrmcongress.com Held at University of British Columbia, August 9 -10th, 2024, the RRM Congress draws an international group of RRM Clinicians leading research in the field. To learn more about the International Institute or Restorative Reproductive Medicine go to iirrm.org #restorativereproductivemedicine #rrmcongress #rrmjournalclub