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Very lucky to receive the ERC Consolidator this year! This is 5-year funding for groundbreaking research. If you are interested in our perspective on software security analysis at scale, stick around and read on 👇. Computer Science has been built on formal foundations where programs are considered mathematical objects. The formal approach has allowed us to define and analyze a program very precisely. Today, however, programs are more like organisms, super complex, ever-evolving systems interacting with others in highly dynamic environments. Project #AT_SCALE will build the next-generation security analysis tools based on empirical methods (e.g., using statistical, causal, or counterfactual reasoning). Think of it this way: When the first computers were built, programming languages were designed for us humans to express precisely what the computer should do: A formal syntax defines the structure of a program while a formal semantics defines how the computer should interpret it. Using the formal syntax and semantics of the language, we would analyze a program's properties by reasoning within a "model of its behaviors" (in-silico). However, as our programs grew more complex, we started to approximate: Today, such tools report security flaws that do not exist or fail to report those that do. Worse, we cannot even formally quantify the loss of accuracy. Now, whenever a system gets too complex for modeling, other sciences use empirical methods, such as observation or experiments to learn about properties of that system "in-vivo". My proposal is precisely that: For program analysis *at scale*, we must explore empirical methods. * If this sounds interesting, check out our website: * If you are also a BSc or MSc student with the required background, interested in a PhD on this project, feel free to reach out. Related work: * "Statistical Reasoning about programs": * "Software Security Analysis in 2030 and Beyond: A Research Roadmap" * "Invivo Fuzzing by amplifying actual executions": European Research Council (ERC) #ERCCoG Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) CASA - Cluster of Excellence
Marcel Böhme, a faculty member at the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP), has been awarded the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC) for his groundbreaking project AT*SCALE. 🔍 For project AT*SCALE, Böhme and his team will design new methods to overcome existing software analysis tools’ scalability and reliability challenges. Project AT*SCALE takes inspiration from “in vivo” techniques in biology to fortify the world’s digital infrastructure against cyber-attacks. Find out more here: 💡 Why is it so important? Cybercrime is projected to cost the global economy over €10 trillion in 2024. Project AT*SCALE aims to significantly lower these costs by enhancing the security of the software systems that power our digital world. #ERCCoG #MaxPlanckInstitute #mpi_sp #cybersecurity #ATScale #Fuzzing
Marcel Böhme, Excellent news for Software Engineering in Europe!
Congratulations Marcel!! Already looking forward to the great work coming out of this project!
Congratulations, Marcel!
Congratulations, Marcel!
Congrats and looking forward to hearing more. I have been working on abstraction and approximation version of complex models and using the more appropriate model during my phd. Looks interesting and good luck.
Big Congrats! awesome!
Great news. Congratulations Marcel Böhme totally deserved it. Looking forward to seeing exciting research from your group. Best wishes.
Well deserved!!!
Congratulations, sounds very exciting!
Faculty @ Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy