DAY 2 - Summary and key takeouts from the Spirits Strategies & Innovation Conference 2024
Trends in key spirit categories
- Paul Thomas from Suntory Global Spirits took us on a whirlwind tour of headwinds and pressures on the industry before looking to the ‘bright side of life’. His 4 summary points were:
- Support the on-premise to create experiences where spirit categories can be at the centre of them
- Lose the either/or mentality! From the rise in no/low to embracing growth in categories such as tequila – multiple things can grow at once
- Stay true to the quality brands you represent – keep investing in them and believe in the staying power of your categories
- Embrace tomorrow – culture and consumers are changing – deeply understand your consumers and the occasions they drink in to be set up for success
How to build a community of thriving fans
- Greg Klingaman from AnyRoad shared how to utilize distilleries/brand homes to drive consumer engagement
- Co-run RSVP events with the on-trade – if consumers pay for events they are more bought into the process and will enjoy it more (proven BeSci principle)
- Monetise your consumer data – don’t just collect primary data (names, emails) but collect behaviours, attitudes etc., then use this to target your community
- Consumers want to spend more time with less brands – set up a membership event that consumers can buy into for exclusive, ‘money-can’t-buy’ things – meet the founder, limited edition runs, unique experiences etc. - he gave Lieper’s Fork as a case study of how it has proven monetary value
Rona mae Stewart from The Exploration Company also gave a super interesting session on how different sectors (including BWS) are going to utilize conditions in space to experiment (e.g.) germination/growing conditions (hops), the impact on angels share and flavour profiles of Bourbon Whisky, and understand 3-D cancer cell growth in a zero-gravity condition (vs. 2-D petri-dish possible on Earth). It was literally out of this world ;)
We also heard about the start-up journey of El Rayo Tequila by Tom Bishop - how they began with a 3-month immersive discovery of Mexico and Tequila before looking at several phases of investment for growth, how they utilised sales growth from Amazon to win listings with John Lewis, Selfridges and subsequently Sainsbury's. El Rayo is a modern take on Tequila that reflects the 'real' Mexico and is made easy via a simple Tequila & Tonic serve