Monday 18 March - the latest headlines in European #data developments with the CEDPO - Confederation of European Data Protection Organisations - #dataprotectionweekly (N°10/2024) bringing you the essential fresher on key stories from around Europe here: ❗EDPS - European Data Protection Supervisor: European Commission’s use of Microsoft 365 infringes data protection law for EU institutions. ❗Court of Justice of the European Union: The supervisory authority of a Member State may order the erasure of unlawfully processed data even in the absence of a prior request by the data subject. ❗ European Parliament: MEPs adopt Artificial Intelligence Act. ❗ And much more Member State news.. #privacy #dataprotection #GDPR #RGPD #DSGVO #informationgovernance #artificialintelligence #AI #informationtechnology #informationsecurity #privacylaw #privacypros #privacyculture #dataprotectionlaw #data #dataprotectionofficer #CEDPO #digitalidentity #datasharing #cybersecurity #DigitalEU #CJEU