Central Asian University of Environmental and Climate Change Studies - Green University’s Post

As the new academic year’s admission campaign begins, our team is dedicated to expanding our partnerships with Tashkent Schools through Outreach and CSR events. In just two weeks, we have successfully presented the university's mission and goals to over ten schools. We have also been able to address the questions and concerns of prospective students regarding admission processes, entrance exams, and the university's facilities. We are committed to fostering strong connections with the local community and providing valuable support to students as they consider their higher education options. ______...._______ Yangi o‘quv yilidagi qabul komissiyasi boshlanishi bilanoq, jamoamiz Toshkent maktablari bilan hamkorlikni Outreach va CSR tadbirlari orqali kengaytirmoqda. Ikki hafta ichida o'ndan ortiq maktablarda universitetning maqsad va vazifalari bo'yicha taqdimot o'tkazdik. Shuningdek, bo'lajak talabalarning qabul jarayonlari, kirish imtihonlari va universitetning moddiy-texnik bazasiga oid savollariga to'laqonli javob berdik. Biz mahalliy hamjamiyat bilan aloqalarni mustahkamlash va talabalar uchun oliy ta'lim imkoniyatlarini ko'rib chiqishda qimmatli yordam ko'rsatishga doim intilamiz.

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